Hey there! I’m Frédéric Branchaud-Charron, co-founder of Baal and Azimuth.
As the Founding ML Engineer at Glowstick, I spearheaded the development of advanced intent classification and topic modeling pipelines. I led our company Machine Learning from 0-to-1 and further.
My professional journey has been marked by leadership roles in two significant projects. I directed the development of Azimuth, an open-source error analysis tool that empowers data scientists with comprehensive analytical capabilities. Additionally, I led the creation of Baal, a Bayesian active learning library designed to bridge the gap between academic research and practical applications.
I did my MSc with Pr. Pierre-Marc Jodoin at USherbrooke working on object detection and dataset complexity.
I’m an advocate for open-source and contribute regularly to Huggingface. I was previously Chair at Keras and have been published in CVPR, NeurIPS and TMLR. Find me on Github.
You can find a list of my publications on my Google Scholar.
- Structured generation
- Distributed Programming
- Uncertainty estimation/ Active learning
- Data pipeline optimization
- Functional programming (Elm, Haskell)
Contact me
@Dref360 on most platforms. Feel free to PM me!